Special Thank You To Denise For

Sharing Her Event Photography with

WWC For Our New Website

Sponsorship Opportunities

Proud Sponsors of Website Development and 2017  WWC Branding Campaign

Toy Wash

Special Thank You To Joan For

Donating Historical News Articles 

and Photos For Our History Page

Denise Fleischman


​​​​Cheryl Dunn Bychek

Joan Manning

WWC first President,

Tracey Piccone

With Your Sponsorship, 

      We Can Continue To Be 

                 "Women Helping Women"

Meet Some Of Our Current Sponors

Lenyce Boyd

Monthly Newsletter Sponsorship - $250

Each Month WWC E-Blast A Newsletter with the latest happenings inside.  This Newsletter is sent to all members and potential members that opt in to receive it.  With the launch of our new website we will also be able to reach an even wide audience with our "digital issue" place on our website monthly.

This Sponsorship Includes

Sponsors Name on Newsletter Front Cover- 

Sponsors Name on Newletter Website Page


Sponsors Name Mentioned in Email Blast when sending

it out to all members.

Sponsors Name Listed on Website' Sponsorship page

with link back to their website.

Monthly Meeting Dinner Table Sponsor - $275

Each Month (10) WWC holds a regular scheduled meeting at the Wanderers Club, Wellington.  Dinner is served and a meeting complete with guest speakers on a wide variety of topics is discussed.

This Sponsorship Includes:

Joining us for dinner as WWC guest for the

Montlhy Meeting
Sponsors Name On Centerpiece Boards each table
 Sponsors Name Listed On Program

Recognition of Support During the evenings presentation

Sponsors Name Listed on Website' Sponsorship page with a link back to their website

Annual Recognition Dinner Sponsorship - $1000
Each Year WWC holds it annual Recognition Dinner and Installation to thank their volunteers and install their new Board.

This Sponsorship Includes:
Sponsors Name on all marketing material, invitation, newsprint advertising and social media.

Recognition of Support During the evenings program.

Full Page ad in ARDI program placed on each chair of participants

Sponsors Name Listed on Website' Sponsorship page with link back to their website.

Website Maintenance and Updates $995

WWC launched a brand new interactive website thanks in part to our sponsors,  Ongoing maintenance and site update contract will cost WWC $995 per year. We are looking for a sponsor to off-set this expense.

This Sponsorship includes:

Sponsors Logo on homepage of WWC Website

Sponsors Name Listed on Website' Sponsorship page with link back to their website

Sponsor will be recognized in all event programs

Sponsors Name will be included in all print advertising during the "WWC New Website" campaign beggining October 2016.  


Mair Armand at 561-635-0011